The Pokejet in a Japanese airport.

Talk about flying the friendly skies! The Pokemon jets are up for business in Japan. The full sized commercial airplanes are painted with the likenesses of all our favorite Pokemon, including the little yellow dynamo, Pikachu. For the right price people can hop aboard and experience a flight like no other.

Assorted pokemon goods from the flight.

All the items you receive during the lfight are Pokemon related; from the instruction manuals to the in flight peanuts! Even the cups in the bathrooms have pokemon on them. Since the number is limited, and the items are rare, these are born collector's items.

Another shot of the jet.

So far, the Pokejets have been very popular in Japan. While I don't know of any plans to bring them over to the U.S., who knows? Maybe, with pokemon's growing U.S. popularity, you might soon be able to fly the friendly skies in true Pokemon style!

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